Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Full Metal Alchemist

If you want a series of 52 episodes that keeps your emotions on edge, you must take a look at Full Metal Alchemist. This anime puts you in the lives of two brothers Edward & Alphonse and the trials and tribulations they go through when learning the essence of alchemy. These two fight through many obstacles to uncover the truth of many questions they need answered.

Along their journey meeting many allies and strange enemies that force the two to grow up faster than they ever imagined. If you want a futuristic coming of age story with characters you wont soon forget you must see this anime.

Dragon Ball Z

There is one series that many children grew up on, the best mix of fighting, comedy, memorable soundtrack, and great character casting. This is one anime that made history on cable, public television and even spanish channels. This anime was DRAGON BALL Z.

Dragon Ball Z gave teens to adults heart pounding action, lovable characters and story lines that made you want to be a part of the action. From the main characters with a number of favorite catch phrases, (like Goku's famed Kamehameha, or Piccolos Masenkoha) to the concept of the visitors from a dying planet the Saiyans. There were many moments that left an impression on many anime lovers and even started many more on their first anime. I myself found one of my first favorites being this show.

There were other extensions connected to the show like its predecessor Dragon Ball & followed by Dragon ball GT


The gundam series is a long lasting mech anime that has inspired many different series. By far gundam is one of the most decorated animes since the originators, like the Big O and Neo Genesis Evangelion. Mobile Suit Gundam is a long lasting series that has numerous games and other renditions of the series, to make it what it is today.

Officially there are so many extentions to the series introducing, new characters, new styles to the mechs and design styles.
You can check wikipedia for the breakdown of all the extensions